Finishing touches on the GUI


Alright, the week before the Beta is here, which means the week where you have to actually finish up all the small things like bullet effects, loading bars effect and things like that. But I also had to finish the GUI, something I’ve worked on quite much and something that we have remade and rethought a lot during the project. Finally we have a leaderboard, a mainmenu, a paus menu and a character screen.

The main menu itself didn’t get much update nor much time spent on it this week. I mostly fixed the shadows, added a little more effects and more small things like that. However all of the menu pages like options, leaderboard and character screen was still not started at all. and all of them important parts of the main menu. Directly after our sprint meeting on monday I started working on the character screen. I googled around and I had to make something that actually looked like it fit in with the rest of the paper based menu. I started to animate how you would flip page in the pile of papers but I soon realised that it would be hard to get it too look good.

What I did was I started to draw a clipboard with some papers on it. I used the same colors and filters as I had used on the main menu and tried to make it look as simular as possible.There are as of this time still a couple more fixes that needs to be fixed but it looks like it does fit in. On this clipboard and the papers on it I drawed some post-it notes which later will have the characters faces on them.

All of these main menu parts would be in the same scene, so if you clicked on play the character screen would come in from the side and if you pressed options the options menu etc. So when I moved on to drawing the leaderboard and options scene I thought about just making them like the play menu. But that looked quite boring. But I wanted to keep it simple right now. I simply started to draw a couple of papers and burned the edges. After that I actually overkilled a little bit and added blod all over the place. Sure this looked great but didn not fit in with the rest of the scene.

Now all I have left is to animate the papers coming in from different sides, but otherwise the menu is done. Thank god.


En reaktion på ”Finishing touches on the GUI

  1. Hej Fabian!
    Sorry, men tänker kommentera på svenska 😛

    Jag tycker att du formulerar dig bra vilket gör att texten får ett bra flyt och blir lätt att läsa. Hittade nått enstaka litet stavfel dock 🙂

    Dock kan det kanske bli lite klumpigt med mycket text på en gång, hade gärna sett mer bilder! Både från framställandet av din asset samt på hur den passar med i spelets designtema, så lite bilder från själva spelet hade också varit bra 🙂

    Sen finner jag att ditt inlägg är väldigt övergripande och innefattar flera stycken assets, men tror inte det är någon fara då de alla tillhör samma område så att säga. Jag personligen tror det hade varit bättre att välja en del av det och fördjupa sig mer, nu nämnde du ju dock i texten att du förklarat i tidigare inlägg hur du gått till väga, men några meningar hade gjort det lättare att förstå.

    Jag hade även gärna fått läsa om varför du/ni i teamet valt att använda just det tema med papper och dylikt, ifall det är viktigt för spelupplevelsen eller om det vara är ett designval Det kanske du redan gjort i tidigare inlägg men bara nån mening hade varit bra 🙂 Också om varför du valde att använda en clipboard? (Som blev snyggt gjord btw 🙂 )

    Resultatet tycker jag blev fint gjort, lycka till med ert spel!
    Happy crunching!


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