More shaders and animations

During this phase of the project a lot of items where started to  be remade, redone and finished up. One of these items happened to be the shaders, which we found out did not work correctly when we built the game. Fixing this took a long time due to the fact that I had to constantly build the game to test these functions.

During this process all color correction had to be remade and all other image effects as well. The final product sadly ended up looking worse then the previous product. However it did work when we built and played the finished product and due to the lack of time we decided to stick with the new shaders.

new shaders.



Besides fixing this something else I worked on was getting animationcontrollers and animations to work together and blend together well. On the character I also finished up the stealth shader, adding several sliders and controllers so that you could blend the stealth with the none stealth materials and add different kind of shields to the texture, something that looked really nice in the end.

These two textures are the shield(left) and normal (right) these two could be mixed and opacity could be added.


I also created a pulsating shield texture around the map, so that players would feel like they were in an actual arena, this was also made using shader forge and several timers and masks to get the effect to only pulsate the hexagons.






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