Hearts, Hearts, Hearts!

Alright, so as the title may imply I have been working on hearts this week, among other things. The hearts that I am talking about are the healthpoints. We had some sort of healthpoints before but we have reworked them about 3 times now.

The first hearts looked good but was made to fit with out first HUD layout with smudged edges and a lot of colors. When we decided to make everything simple and less smudged we remade those into a placeholder heart which was not animated nor looked that good. After that I made a couple hearts but none of them was animated and made the HUD look flat and boring.

So I decided to actually do these hearts one last time now and even animate them. I have worked with animation before, but it is not something that I am super good at. But Did first of all try to make the heart pump and grow a little, but it did not look that good. In our group we are trying to work with 3 frames animations so I try to keep to that as well.

One simple thing I then tried was to use a sort of glow effect to stimulate the growing, so I added a copy of the heart behind it, make it bigger and used a blur on it and lower the opacity. Then I made 3 frames where that heart glows. I also had to make a death animation for the heart for when you lose one. I wanted the heart to lose the glow and change the color to a more dead color.

Here I added some cracks to the first one and lowered the opacity for the glow. For the next one I  removed the opacity and started to move the cracked parts away from each other as well as change the color of the heart fragments. For the last one I simply continued with moving them apart and added a even darker color.

The one thing I really had a problem with however was to get the hearts to fit into a spritesheet. I had trouble to get them to be exactly right and the animation was shaking and didn’t looked smooth at all. This problem should be avoided now in the next days as one of my team member have gotten a program that sets up a spritesheet. So we will see how it worked out.

En reaktion på ”Hearts, Hearts, Hearts!

  1. Tja! kul att du också höll på med Hp då jag också arbetade med Hp. Ser snyggt ut, synd bara att man inte kan se dom i en animation, så hade man fått se resultatet i rörelse 🙂

    Tycker du förklarar bra vad det var du gjorde och du förklarar lite animationen. Men jag har lite funderingar. Hur kommer det sig att ni i gruppen bestämde er för att bara ha tre frames?är inte det lite för lite? Man får ju inte så mycket utrymme att arbeta med.
    En till liten grej jag tänkte på var om du använder dig av photoshop när du animerar, eftersom du nämnde att du har animerat lite förut så undrar jag om du har använt dig av ett annat program då.

    Du sa att du hade lite problem med att göra sprite sheets så tänkte tipsa om ett program jag använder när jag gör mina sprite sheets, programmet heter Glueit. Ta gärna ett titt på det om du inte ska använda det andra programmet.

    Tycker ditt inlägg har varit bra men till nästa gång kan du tänka lite på att kanske ha lite fler bilder och är det en animation så hade det varit kul med en gif fil så att man kan se den i rörelse.

    Lycka till med utvecklingen av spelet!


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