Week 1 – Introduction and GUI


My name is Fabian, together with me team (group #3) I’m working on a concept called datepocalypse. It will be about two people whose love keeps them from turning crazy during an apocalypse and together they tries to escape the city using their new powers.


This week I have worked on both the design document which should be handed in tomorrow and on a new GUI for the game. From the beginning our game graphics were supposed to be more towards pixel graphics with lots of colors and low resolutions. That meant I designed a UI that fit that purpose. The menu and HUD I drew back then had a lot of colors. I based the whole design on the color red and on old wax stamps you used to seal letters. I used the mixer brush a lot during this design and continued to use the same kind of design on the hud elements such as healthpoints (hearts).


However soon after we decided that pixel graphic wasn’t something we would like to work with and almost directly after that we moved on to a more simple style with less colors. This meant that the UI quickly became outdated and I started working on a new design. This was hard and took a lot of time I went through a lot of different stages in this process. The first tried to continue with the same kind of letter sealing wax design as I had before but this didn’t look good when you tried to take away so much color from in. But I continued with the whole letter subject and moved in on writing a letter as a menu, but having 4 words on a letter looked boring.


This is where I tried something new now that valentine is coming up, I wrote some sort of love letters (right now they suck though) and integrated the menu buttons into this letter. “Never quit, never let me go” was one example of where the word quit some implemented. Now this made it hard to see where the buttons where so I made the text bold and red, so that these buttons would stick out.


I continued with this design into the other menu parts such as character selection screen, paus menu, the HUD and options menu and now it is not entirely completed but I believe that this will be great once it’s completed.

En reaktion på ”Week 1 – Introduction and GUI

  1. Bra text, väl strukturerad och skriven med en bra och lätt röd tråd att följa, bra gjort!

    Jag tycker att du förklarar tydligt hur ni har tänkt att upplägget ska vara och hur du har gått tillväga i ditt arbetssätt för att tillgodo nå dessa mål. Vilka problem som uppstod och varför.

    Jag tycker att ert första designtänk var coolt med röd färg och ”gamla vax stämplar”, hade gärna sett hur resultat blev där! 🙂

    Vi använder oss av pixelgrafik till vårt spel, så hade gärna velat se en lite större beskrivning av varför ni valde att inte längre arbeta med det, blev designen inte bra? Passade inte arbetssättet eller varför valde ni att ge upp det? Vart hamnade ni rent tids och materialmässigt? Hamnade ni efter när ni gjorde denna ändring eller låg ni fortfarande i fas?

    Jag gillar hur du gjorde menyn som ett brev med de knappar man kan ”klicka” på var röda. Kreativt och fränt gjort, jag gillar’t, ser riktigt bra ut! 🙂 Bra att du gjorde de röda så att de sticker ut så att spelaren tydligt kan förstå att det går att interagera med dessa! Jag tycker att ett kärleksbrev som meny även är passande till ert spel 🙂

    Fortsätt på detta spår, tror det kan bli riktigt coolt då! 🙂

    //Niklas E.


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